Select an airline for Your Pet - Flying in style and comfort for your pets

Airline Approved Pet Kennels

After a fun and safe trip means keeping Fido and Fluffy her safe and happy! If your pet can accompany the passenger compartment, or if you must fly as "baggage", the needs of their pet airline approved pet kennels. These boxes are similar to your standard pet crates - except that they are lighter, most are equipped with handles and wheels. However, it is better to be able to "lock" the wheels so that the carrier does not startRolling in transit and surprising your pet! If the dog takes you a long way - consider one with a cushion grip. While all airlines can and establish standards for approving them, some common characteristics, almost all of them. The smaller dogs will travel in the passenger compartment with you normally allowed to go around in soft mesh or canvas bags, although a fixed carrier is always safer in case of turbulence.

prohibited animals, luggageSection (Never leave your pet fly "load"), the rules are strict. Airline approved pet kennels to highlight three characteristics: comfort, safety and ventilation. For convenience, all carriers should be large enough animals to lie down, stand up for it, and turn in, but do not want to select something so big that your dog begins to wander and disorder in a small and friendly makes kennel pets particularly cats, to feel safe. Most airlines specify that each include kennelsno more than an adult dog. The floor of the kennel must take a bed with soft absorbent material such as Terry "indiscretions", and they are offering. Straw and wood chips are not allowed.

built for safety reasons, a storage box, high impact polypropylene, or metal to produce, the door must be welded or cast iron gauge enough to escape the animal by cutting and can not.

The best airline approved kennel PET side and rear ventilation, theE 'is particularly important for air travel. Some PET kennel airline approved a slot for additional safety belt, the kennel can double as a box car! While many kennel block is a bad idea to block them. If there is an emergency with your pet, you want people to be able to extract the kennel him here, without tearing their part.

Airline approved pet kennel must be clearly identified: a live animal and this side UP. Your name, address and telephone number mustalso be printed clearly on the outside of the box. Make sure you are one, not the tools required for assembly - the last thing you need, you can find in Upper Mongolia with a Rottweiler, removed a box and put any screwdriver.

However, it is important to remember that each airline its own rules on requirements for carrying can be developed. Always check with your airline before flying.

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